
APACHE: favicon.ico APACHE: virtual hosts
DB: Overview NoSQL DEVELOPMENT: useful links
DJANGO: cycle import debug tip DJANGO: cycle imports
DJANGO: do not dissplay any links in admin change_list DJANGO: dump and load data
DJANGO: fields order in ModelForm and clean DJANGO: formset MultiValueDictKeyError
DJANGO: highcharts in admin DJANGO: new LOGGING settings
DJANGO: query as sql DJANGO: remove empty value in select
DJANGO: using choices names in templates DOCKER: Docker/Django/Travis/Heroku quickstart quide.
GIT: ssh HTML: edit smth.
HTML: forms with files JS: check if flash plugin installed
JS: checkbox state with JQuery JS: curvy corners
JS: eval json JS: which for
LINUX: apply diff patch LINUX: basics
LINUX: change file encoding LINUX: EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
LINUX: exim4 paniclog LINUX: ext4 fs
LINUX: fstab mount samba LINUX: fuse: bad mount point /mnt/foo: Transport endpoint is not connected
LINUX: limit speed on apt-get LINUX: make deb from tarball
LINUX: net monitoring tools LINUX: ps displays UID numeric
LINUX: redis-cli remove keys by wildcard LINUX: screen config
LINUX: set date, time or datetime LINUX: ssh access by key
LINUX: ssh config LINUX: sudoers
LINUX: usb flash drive as swap MERCURIAL: fncache error
MySQL: changing max connection for mysql server MYSQL: create table from another clever way
MYSQL: delete duplicates and leave with minimal id MYSQL: Error: 1329 No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed
MYSQL: execute string MYSQL: InnoDB and Django transactions
MYSQL: my.cnf MYSQL: REGEXP fun in queries
MYSQL: select with many fields MYSQL: unauthenticated user
MYSQL: update tables from other tables PYTHON: 79 chars or not (pep8)
PYTHON: _imagingft C module is not installed PYTHON: base64 multiple lines
PYTHON: csv with Cyrillic PYTHON: mimetypes
PYTHON: python config file PYTHON: Upgrade all pip from requirements
RABBITMQ: simple create user commands SVN+LINUX: auth on svn and GNOME keyring
UBUNTU: change user directory names.