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LINUX: usb flash drive as swap

Change usb flash to another better label. A have had ADATA UFD, but I doesn't like spaces, so I'd like to change it to SWAP_USB

to skip test before all we need change config to avoid error:

Total number of sectors (30869504) not a multiple of sectors per track (63)!
Add mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test

echo mtools_skip_check=1 >> ~/.mtoolsrc

and then change label:

$ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdb ::swap_usb

Make swap file

dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/znotdead/SWAP_USB/swap bs=4096 count=524288

we will get 2Gb file (2 * 1024 * 1024^2 / 4096 = 524288)

Make swap:

sudo mkswap /media/znotdead/SWAP_USB/swap

Turn swap on:

sudo swapon -p 1000 /media/znotdead/SWAP_USB/swap


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