Date Tags health


  1. Prehistory Oct 24, 2011, 5:45
    Began at the 2006 likely because of stress.'Флуцинар' helped to get remission. At the end of 2010 began again. Now not only head but and behind the ears.

  2. Try 'Бетасалик' Oct 24, 2011, 5:48
    I have tryed to use 'Бетасалик' with vitamins B(many) and folic acid (фолиевой кислотой) for 10 days. None effect. When using that than all OK. When stopped - all became the same only behind ears disappeared (begins again after 3 months and not so bad). So I think it better to use on open areas of skin.

  3. Try T-Gel Nov 19, 2011, 8:44
    Shampoo is good for cleaning skin. Using comfortable no FAT. Hairs are clean. Skin also clean enough but there are some spots. Using consider 2 times a week and hold 15 minutes twice for a wash. For first uses skin cleared. After 3 weeks not so good but may be because the stress. Course should lasts about a month. After month of using skin is clean enough, but not fully and I think that spots can increase after course finished. Now I want to try oil-tar soap and shampoo to support result.

  4. tar soap Jan 13, 2012, 3:50
    To not loose small success I tried soap with oil tar produced in Russia Neva cosmetics but after 2 times skin became horriblly peel off. So I finished experiment.
    May be I'll try it later. I think it better for fat skin but not for normal or dry.

  5. tar shampoo 911
    After not good results with soap I desided to try tar shampoo 911 series. It's cheaper than t-Gel twice but it is more liquid than t-Gel.

  6. T-Gel again helped. No more a problem.

Have a less stress =)


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