HK: Tung Chung to Tai O

Route: Tung Chung
Length: 15 km
Getting to: Tung Chung MTR

- Hau Wong Temple
- Views on HK Airport
- Mountain views
- Tai O fishing village

Group: As usual me, father and daughter(1y9m).
Our Time: 6,5 hours
Date: 31 Jan 2015

You can walk with stroller till Sham Wat but after you will need to bring it itself because concreted road is over and now ground road with stones not accessible by wheels. Also the way from Tung Chung to Sham Wat has few sharp slopes and rises. So it will be difficultto go with stroller with child and will be better if baby can walk up and down himself.

You can eat only at Sham Wat. There are few toilets on road. Mostly open space so in summer there will be much sun and many insects.

Map Gov HK
Hiking site
Tung Chung to Tai O Map
Tung Chung to Tai O Info



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