Date Tags HK / hiking

HK: The Peak Morning trail

Route: The Peak Morning Trail
Length: 3 km
Getting to:
- The Peak Tram (Return 40HKD, Single 28HKD) but very long waiting time especially on weekends and PH.
- Bus from Pier 5 or Exchange Square, Central (bus no. 15) (9.8HKD) but travelling time min 40min.

- HK
- The Peak views
- Peak Tower
- Tree Walk

Group: As usual me, father and daughter(1y1m).
Our Time: 3 hours with getting back by bus to Central
Date: 24 May 2014

Condition: Very easy with stroller and Tree Walk safe for small baby to walk.

Notes: No food all time. There is 1 place with drinking water and WC on the way down.

Map Gov HK
Hiking site
The Peak



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