HK: MacLehose trail 7

Route: Shing Mun Reservoir - Lead Mine Pass - Shing Mun Reservoir
Length: 6.1 km + 6.2 km = 12.3 km
Level: Fairly Difficult
Getting to:
- Minibus 82 runs from MTR Tsuen Wan Station (4.9 HKD)

Getting from:
- Minibus 82 runs to MTR Tsuen Wan Station (4.9 HKD)

- nice 360 views.

Group: Me
Our Time: 1.75h (to start point via Pineapple Dam) + 2.75h = 4.5h
Date: 27 July 2015

7 section Not accessible with stroller. Section 7 may be half shaded but Needle peak is exposed. Sometimes no cell coverage but on peaks signal is strong. Recommend to visit highest point of Grassy hill. There will be small observation place. Not recommend in rain or hot weather. As there will be a lot of puddles and mud. Can be slippery. So trek pole can be useful. A lot of stairs when uphill. Easier to go in reverse.

A lot of barbeque zones. No places to refill with water or food.

Map Gov HK
Hiking site
MacLehose 7



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