Date Tags HK / hiking

HK: Lamma Island

Route: Lamma Island Family Walk
Move from Yung Shue Wan (Main Street) to Sok Kwu Wan
Length: approx. 7km
Getting to Start Point:
Ferry to Yung Shue Wan from Central (17.1HKD or 23.7HKD on Sundays and PH) 27 minutes.
Getting from End Point:
Ferry from Sok Kwu Wan to Central (21HKD or 29.8HKD on Sundays and PH) 30-40 minutes. Octopus pay on exit.
Food: More choices on Yung Shue Wan. Fish restaurants on Sok Kwu Wah tourist oriented. Can eat on Hung Shing Yeh Beach.

- Lamma Winds (point B on the map)
- Hung Shing Yeh Beach

Group: As usual me, father and daughter(1y3m).
Our Time: 3.5-4 hours
Date: 9 Aug 2015

Condition: All time concrete road but sometime parts in mountains there is tiles and not very comfortable with baby in stroller but empty one not difficult. Better is baby can walk himself after Beach of trail through mountains as some part of road is rough.

A lot open spaces so umbrella from sun can be useful.

Lamma Island
Lamma Hike
Map Gov HK
Lamma Island Family Walk schema
Hiking site
Lamma Island Oasistrek



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